QUARTERLY WIDOW’S MEETING: The monthly meeting for widows held at the Council hall.
VISITATION TO ORPHANAGE HOME: The Chairperson leads in the visitation of the orphanage homes.
INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR RURAL WOMEN CELEBRATION: The department organizes and celebrates the international day for rural women at the Council hall with the women in the community.
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY CELEBRATION: The department organizes and celebrates yearly international women’s day with the women at the Council hall.
SENSITIZATION PROGRAM FOR WIDOWS ON ECONOMIC GROWTH AND POVERTY IN SOCIETY: The program was organized by the department for the widows
EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM FOR YOUNG WOMEN ON DIGITAL MARKETING AND SMALL SCALE BUSINESS: This program is meant for young women to enlighten them on their business.
WOMEN ASSEMBLY FORUM: The program on women assembly organizes for the women at the Council hall.